Thursday, April 21, 2011


This process was pretty easy and highly entertaining throughout the whole blog posting excursion. I didn't really have trouble with anything. This is most likely the final post for this blog, so I will recap everything that I have talked about. I have to make sure you have memorized all of my lesson, so that you don't go and butcher my teachings. These teachings have worked for better men than you, and even some women. Anyways, you just have to remember to keep clean, look sharp, be funny, and be confident. Those are the main things. You can also add your own spin to anything, be also remember to NOT use pickup lines. They don't work unless you are a master. They would only work if you are funny enough to pull them off... Which is highly unlikely because you wouldn't be reading this if you were that good. Continuing on, you also have to find a style that suits you. You can't be a tiny little lanky guy wearing muscle shirts. Find something that works for you. Also, stay up on pop culture so that you can always have a topic to talk about with your girl. Remember all the rules, and make this work. So, now that we have recapped, and you have all of the knowledge. Fulfill your duty, and be a man. Do work.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The best game ever...

Taking a short break from the usual topic of women and how to pick them up; I'm going to talk about the greatest game ever created... Runescape.
I currently have a level 87 warrior, who is almost level 88. My guy is legit. I'm killing stuff that is way higher level than me. I was taking out Black Demon's that are level 172. Runescape has a multitude of skills to level up, thus expanding your play time. The game also has multiple quest to go on to extend your play time even more. You can either play free, or become a member by paying five dollars a month. I am a member because paying five dollars a month is definitely worth it. You get a huge amount of benefits including better weapons, and more skils to level up in. I play a lot with my cousin Eric who is a level 76 ranger. We make a pretty good team. This game hs over 800 hours of play time, and thousands of things to do while you play, ensuring that you never get bored whilst playing. If I were to recommend the best game ever to play, I would recommend Runescape. On a grading scale from 1-10, it would be a 13. Thus concludes my rant. ENDGAME.