Monday, February 7, 2011

A brief history of women.

"The Old English wifman meant "female human""-

So listen. I am here to educate you on the history of women. Having this knowledge in your cranial inventory will further help you and your poor excuse for “game”, reel in that shark of a woman. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, there was a man named Adam, and from his rib was created Eve. This is how the “woman” came to be. From then on, there was woman; right by man’s side. Staying home to prepare him lunches, and doing the dirty laundry and dishes. Women were always loyal to men, and men loved women. They loved everything that came along with women as well. As man would not be complete without women. Soon though, there was trouble in paradise as a great tragedy occurred in the world of man. In 1972, a vile amendment was passed through congress called the Equal Rights Amendment or Amendment 19, which gave women equal rights to man. Now women could vote, get jobs, and even think on their own. As you can see, it was now becoming more difficult in the world of man to attract a female because they were getting smarter. Now men really had to step up their game, and be smart about how they attracted a mate. Luckily though, in most careers men still earn more money than women, so we can still attract them by playing the “big money card.” Soon women will become entirely equal to men, and only the strongest will survive. Many scrawny bloodlines will die out, because they couldn’t attract a girl. This is why I am helping you. I must help save the male population of the world somehow, and teaching even the nerdiest of men to get women is the way to go. So, always bring you’re A-Game, and get the girl. Confidence is key. Now go man up.  

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