Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lets review...

Okay. Now that we have gone through the basics of picking up women, you can now develop your own style and method. Seduction is an art, and it takes practice to become a master. Let's review the essentials though. First of all, you're going to need to bring confidence to the table. Confidence is key. Second, you're going to need to develop a sense of humor if you don't already have one. Women want to laugh. Third, you need to look nice. Depending on how attractive you already are, you're going to need a variety of nice clothes. Those are the three basic essentials. You're going to need to master all three of the basics to at least begin to scrape the surface of the fine art of picking up women. Once you have mastered the basics, you can now move on to advanced techniques, and begin to take risks. My personal method is a risky mix of hilarity and seriousness, while also showing a sentimental side. This makes the woman feel more comfortable and lets them open up, thus allowing you to accomplish your goal a lot easier. Find your style, and create your own method to picking up women. Now, you know the basics, and can begin your journey to take a woman home. No more Friday nights alone. No more telling your mom lies about women. No more being a loser. Now, you can be a man. Just remember everything I've taught you, and you will succeed. LATER LOSER.


  1. Yeah I will use this information in the upcoming years of tryin to find a women in the stor or somthing I agree with women want to laugh so if your a bit stick in the mud then you wont get anything.

  2. Thanks Justin. Your input is much appreciated.
