Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Interview with Justin Bryant

Today, I will be interviewing Justin Bryant about his opinions on the best possible way to pick up women. I will be asking questions that shall most likely yield... great results from Justin. So, read more to see what happened.

1. Q: Justin, what do you think is the most important tool in the game of picking up women?
A: "Being funny."

2. Q: What do you think is of least importance?
A: "Pick up lines."

3. Q: If you could change one thing about yourself in order to become better at picking up women, what would it be?
A: "A better phsyique."

4. Q: What would be the thing about yourself that you would never change?
A: "My personality."

5. Q: What is the perfect girl in your opinion?
A: "Nice body, good face, good personality."

6. Q: What is the worst girl possible in your opinion?

7. Q: What is your ideal first date?
A:  "Take her out to dinner and a movie."

8. Q: What is the worst first date imaginable?
A: "Take her to the pool when she can't swim."

9. Q: What do you think that women look for in a man?
A: "The way that a man carries himself."

10. Q: Do you believe in the "grading scale"?
A: "yes,firmly because we need to have an idea on how attractive they are."

So, as you can see this interview has been interesting at the least. I have thanked Justin for his support in this interview, and I thank you for reading it. This has been an interview with Justin Bryant about his opinions on "The Game." Please enjoy.


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